My name is Tom Ensing. I’m a 25 year old Dutchman, currently located in Sweden, with a passion for videography, photography and (motion) graphics. This passion started in late 2012, when I discovered this marvellous and creative place called Youtube – I was a bit late to the party. Over the past nine years I’ve been developing my skills in the field of visual communication. My biggest love has to be for cinematography, while I am most experienced in video editing and motion design.
In recent years Youtube has become more of a low key hobby and I’ve started focussing more on professional work in video, photo and graphics. Additionally, I’m a graduated communications bachelor and have experience in more general marketing and communications work.
None of that says much about me as a person though, so here follows a bit about my traits, hobbies and interests. For a useful, though fairly general overview of my personality, it’s worth reading up on the Myers-Briggs designation INFP. In my case this designation translates to being an introvert and having a tendency to operate on intuition, rather than deep consideration.
I am quite a technically apt person, which suits my work very well. I love both knowing the equipment I work with, as well as the conventions of my trade. After all, a perk of knowing the rules, is knowing how to creatively break them.
When it comes to hobbies, I arguably have too many: In addition to enjoying photo- and videography in my free time, I like building furniture, building PCs, playing games on said PCs, studying languages, cooking, baking, hiking, riding motorcycles, playing guitar – and to top if off, I recently got into manual espresso making. What can I say? The world is an interesting place that keeps providing more fun things to do.